September’s Quiz Night and Ploughmans Supper was a great success, with eight teams competing in a variety of challenging and entertaining rounds, including identifying castles!

A glorious evening for the Friends’ Annual Summer Party with Charles Berkeley, so we were able to enjoy the occasion, the views and a visit to Mr John Berkeley’s Memorial Garden, to which members had contributed.

Friends’ Summer Party - Sunday 23rd June: 6.30pm - 8.30pm

This year, weather permitting, we will meet in the Inner Bailey in order to first visit Mr Berkeley’s Memorial Garden which should be looking at its best so close to Midsummer’s Day.

Afterwards we shall enjoy drinks and finger food upstairs in the Small Drawing Room.

We have enjoyed previous parties in the Gardens, in the Great Hall, and in the Picture Gallery but this year we are using this comfortable sitting room which is usually closed during Friends events.
This Room has hosted numerous guests including the future King George IV and his brother the Duke of Sussex. The eighth Earl’s guests included Noel Coward.
If Friends wish to attend, please email:
or complete an Event Application Form in the Castle Ticket Office.
Members: £15
Guests of Members: £20. (Refreshments included)

One of the Small Drawing Room tapestries, part of a major Friends conservation project.

The Castle Gift Shop and Plant Sales are ready for visits from Friends taking advantage of their 10% benefit of membership discount!

Following the AGM, Daisy Berkeley treated the Friends to a very personal and moving account of her long horse riding career, with many anecdotes from her very successful years of top class competition.
The audience enjoyed hearing from Daisy about some of her entertaining exploits.

AGM followed by a talk by Daisy Berkeley - Thursday 18th April: 7pm for 7.30pm
POD: My Riding Career.

Some members will remember her as the well-known eventer, Daisy Dick, and many more will remember her appearance as part of the Bronze Medal-winning UK equestrian team at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

The Spring edition of The Berkeley Buttress was despatched to Friends in March. Articles include details of 2024’s initial events, plus an order form.
Further copies of the form can be downloaded from the link below.

The Special General Meeting approved an increase in Friends’ membership fees, the first for some years.
Please click on the button below to download the 2024 Membership Application Form.

The Berkeley Buttress
The Spring 2024 edition, with details of Friends events for the year, will be finalised after the Special General Meeting that is taking place on Thursday 14th March, as previously notified.

Members have been advised that FoBC membership cards which expire on 31st March 2024 will not be valid for Castle admission after Thursday 21st March.

Special General Meeting of the Friends of Berkeley Castle
Thursday 14th March 2024 - 6pm
The Kitchen Garden, Berkeley Castle

Members have been sent formal notification of the special meeting being held to discuss FoBC membership fees for 2024.

The meeting will take place in the new restaurant in the walled garden.
Tea and coffee will be provided prior to the meeting, from 5.30pm.

Photo shows the 1640 King James Bible customarily situated in the Morning Room: support from the Friends enabled its conservation, together with a special book pillow and its glass display case.

“The Two Severn Bores” entertained the Friends in The Great Hall.
A grand start to the Festive Season.

Popular story teller traveller Bill Church and multi-talented musician Dan Everett regaled us with tales from the past and music while we enjoyed mulled wine and mince pies.

Charles Berkeley was delighted that the launch of the publication (see below) on the Berkeley Archaeological Project took place at the Castle, and the audience was treated to an overview that incorporated Saxon finds and earlier, up to more recent times.

Book Launch - Sunday 29th October - 6.45pm
Dr Stuart Prior, Professor Mark Horton and Dr Konstantinos Trimmis have produced a new book telling the story of the Berkeley Archaeological digs, which took place over fifteen recent years.

The Friends have been given various guided tours and regular annual talks on the archaeological works, the progress made and some of the exciting discoveries. These have been brought together in this new book and Friends are invited to its Launch. Limited availability.

If you wish to come please e-mail to confirm your interest. 

The Friends October event has been postponed.

The cost of tickets will be reimbursed.

The History & Modern Making of Stained Glass.

Tracy Borman talk to the Friends on 21 September 2023

Another full house welcomed Tracy Borman for her third excellent talk to the Friends.
We heard about the upbringing of Anne Boleyn which formed her independent character, and her subsequent life and that of her daughter who became Elizabeth I.

The Berkeley Buttress - Autumn 2023

The Autumn edition of the magazine has been emailed to Friends.
Information on the remaining events for 2023 are in the centre pages and an events order form is included, also available via the link below.

Other articles include:
* reports and photographs of earlier events this year,
* information on items of the Berkeley Silver on display at the Palace of Versailles, and
* more stories concerning those involved in the infamous Poaching Affray of 1816.

Friends’ Summer visit
Spetchley Park Gardens - 10 August 2023

Particularly glorious weather blessed our group’s outing to Spetchley to follow up on our earlier talk by Sandra Lawrence. We saw and heard much from our guides about the lives and impacts of the Willmott sisters, Rose and Ellen, enjoyed a tasty lunch, and were then able to wander around and explore the extensive gardens and grounds.

FoBC Summer Party - Sunday 30 July 2023

Our annual Summer Party was held in the Great Hall due to the autumnal weather, but this gave us the opportunity to hear some fascinating tales of Charles Berkeley’s appointment as the High Sheriff of Gloucestershire.   The role as the sovereign's judicial representative in the county is held for a year and this responsibility for keeping the peace on behalf of the sovereign has its roots in the tenth century. 

Charles had a hectic year which on one day included three functions in short order, and he only just managed to keep to the busy schedule.  The ceremonial uniform that comprises the formal dress of the High Sheriff includes breeches and a sword, which involved some misadventures.  Although now an unpaid ceremonial office, a lot can be achieved with influence and by support, and it was clearly a significant year to which Charles was very committed. 

We enjoyed Pimm’s and an excellent variety of tasty finger food that even included a chocolate fountain with yet more dippable foods.  
We were also interested to see some of the works by local artist
Lorna Page from Shepperdine ( who paints local scenes and wildlife and who supplies the Castle Gift Shop with a variety of cards, wooden decorations and prints.  Lorna was kind enough to provide the Friends with gifts of colourful handmade cards and FoBC President Charles Berkeley presented Lorna with flowers in appreciation of her support. 

Photographs from the popular Friends’ June event featuring author Sandra Lawrence.

There was also an opportunity to view some rare horticultural publications on display for the Castle’s Garden Month:
Genus Rose by Ellen Willmott, 1914
Eden, or a Compleat Body of Gardening by John Hill, 1757
Phytographica Curiosa by Abraham Munting, 1713
Anatomy of Plants by Nehemia Grew, 1682
Paradisi in Sole by John Parkinson, 1629

Miss Willmott’s Ghosts - Talk by Sandra Lawrence
The Great Hall - Thursday 15th June 2023

A potential trailblazer of her age, this extraordinary lady and her remarkable achievements in horticulture, botany, landscape architecture and photography are a fascinating tale, of particular interest to the Friends in view of her Berkeley family connection.

Sandra has uncovered a story including gossip, sisters, rivalry, squandered inheritance, forbidden love, bad marriages, and trailblazing talent.

Books available to purchase on the night £10 (cash only).

Including a Private Viewing of the collection of historic horticultural publications on show in June.

Cash Bar and Refreshments from 7pm.
Tickets: £13 (Friends: £10)

Coronation Celebration - 7th May 2023

More than eighty Friends enjoyed a copious quantity of bubbly and a selection of tasty finger food on the sunny evening of the celebration Bank Holiday weekend. Some interesting Royalty related items helped the raffle to contribute to an excellent fund rising occasion for the Friends’ future Castle projects.

Jackie Lantelli’s talk “Sculpting with Wire”
on Thursday 30th March 2023 was a delight. We heard how her early fairies developed into the magnificent beings that she produces today, along with a multitude of wild animals.

The story of how her Great War soldier became many, and the growing national interest, culminated in Slimbridge Village being crowded with visitors from far and wide.

The first 2023 edition of the Berkeley Buttress has been despatched to members, with membership cards and complimentary tickets for those who paid by standing order on 14th February.

Details of some 2023 events are included, together with an Events Application form, also available via this link.

The Battles of the Berkeleys

In November a large gathering of Friends enjoyed a fascinating talk touching on some of the many Battles in which members of the Berkeley family have been involved, by Sarah Wadsworth (on the right below), who has undertaken much research, together with other Castle guides and archivists.

Sarah’s talk was followed by mulled wine with some tasty accompaniments and then music by “Harmonix”, a welcome return of the outstanding singing group.

In October Professor Mark Horton gave us a talk packed with facts combined with fascinating conjecture, after which we had the opportunity to see some of the artefacts situated in the Castle associated with Sir Francis Drake.

“The Battles of the Berkeleys” Sunday 27th November 2022

Sarah Wordsworth will be drawing highlights from her fascinating 2022 Castle exhibition.

For some one thousand years members of the Family have been involved in battles and skirmishes such as the disputes of Stephen and Matilda; Bannockburn; Flodden, and Nibley Green, and the naval and military exploits of later members of the family in the C17-C19. Sarah will highlight some of her favourites.

Followed by Mulled Wine and Mince Pies and with music by Harmonix.

The Great Hall. 2.45pm for 3pm.
Tickets £15 (non-Friends £18). Including refreshments.
For event application form please click on button the below.

Professor Mark Horton - Thursday 13th October.
“Berkeley & Lydney in the Golden Age of Elizabethan Seafaring”

Mark Horton is always an interesting speaker and now that he has moved to the Royal Forest of Dean his interest has been revived in the Berkeley legend that Sir Francis Drake visited the Castle, and had a house for his mistress in the Forest ….. Fact or fiction?
The Great Hall - 7.30pm. Tickets £12 (non-Friends £15).
Bar opens at 7pm.

Historian and author Julian Humphrys returns to talk on “How to Capture a Castle”
Thursday 11 August 2022 - Great Hall

Hidden beneath the grey walls of the castles of Britain lie some of history’s most colourful stories of triumph and disaster, loyalty and betrayal, ingenuity and stupidity. Julian has entertaining tales of siege warfare including the time when a fake Archbishop of Canterbury thwarted the army of King Henry III and when King John captured Rochester Castle with the help of a herd of pigs!

Julian is a member of The Battlefields Trust, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, an experienced battlefields guide and a popular speaker.

Gates open at 6.45pm, cash bar from 7.00pm, talk 7.30pm.
Tickets: FoBC members £12. Non-members £15.

The Queen’s Green Canopy

As part of our Platinum Jubilee celebrations, the Friends have contributed three Magnolia trees to the national project.
These can be seen on the bank to the right on the car park approach.

“Crown and Sceptre”

The Friends were delighted to welcome Tracy Borman again.   On this occasion we heard some of Tracy’s highlights from her latest story of the British Monarchy from William the Conqueror to Queen Elizabeth II.  Her book describes the forty-one kings and queens who have sat on Britain’s throne as “shining examples of royal power and majesty alongside a rogue’s gallery of weak, lazy, or evil monarchs,”  Tracy’s detailed perspective and entertaining presentation brought to life some of her favourite stories.

Tracy Borman - Historic Royal Palaces Joint Chief Curator
Thursday 23rd June - Great Hall, Berkeley Castle

FoBC’s Platinum Jubilee Party – Thursday 23 June 2022

Some seventy Friends were blessed with very pleasant weather to celebrate the Jubilee, after the sweltering heat of the previous day. The event included bubbles and strawberries afternoon tea (with thanks to the marvellous Berkeley WI) in the Great Hall, Historic Garden tours, and a fascinating talk by Tracy Borman, Joint Chief Curator at Historic Royal Palaces, on the history of the British Monarchy.

Dr Jim Pimpernell,

speaking after the Friends AGM on 28th April 2022 about “The Berkeley Estate in the 18th Century”.
He provided a fascinating insight into the changing lives and fortunes of the four Earls within the period, and those who lived and worked on the Estate over more than a century of change.

FoBC Annual General Meeting - Thursday 28 April 2022
in The Great Hall, Berkeley Castle

Followed by a talk on “The Berkeley Estate in the 18th Century”
by Dr James Pimpernell

There were many changes from the time of the Second Earl in 1698 through to the death of the Fifth Earl in 1810, and these developments resulted in financial and organisational outcomes for the whole Estate.

Cash bar from 7pm. AGM 7.30pm. The talk will follow a brief interval: tickets £9 (£12 for non-Friends).

The Berkeley Buttress - Spring 2022

Details of some exciting 2022 FoBC events are included in the latest edition of the Buttress published at the end of March, together with an order form for tickets to FoBC events.
FoBC Membership cards and complimentary tickets to Spetchley Park Gardens and Dr Jenner’s House are included in the mailing, for those who pay by February standing order.

Digging for Britain: The Berkeley Dig
Wednesday 23 February on BBC3

Available on various TV catch up facilities, the penultimate item of Series 8, Episode 1, featured Professor Mark Horton and Dr Stuart Prior describing what had been discovered over the fifteen years that their teams from the University of Bristol have been excavating in Berkeley each summer.

Mark Horton with Archaeology Department students, summer 2019.

Stuart Prior updating the Friends on the fascinating discoveries, 2018.

Wednesday 16 February 2022:
FoBC hosts Slimbridge Local History Society AGM followed by talk by Professor Ronald Hutton on The English Civil War

The Great Hall was at maximum capacity for this well known speaker, who provided a fascinating insight into the different perspectives and experiences of those who were committed to the opposing sides, and of those who suffered the Civil War’s daily consequences without having any choice.

“The Women of Berkeley Castle”

On Sunday 28th November guest speaker Sarah Wordsworth told us about just a few of the many women who have been involved with the Berkeley family and with the Castle over many centuries.

This was based on her fascinating exhibition throughout the Castle over the Summer.

Sarah’s talk was followed by delicious Afternoon Tea, provided by the Berkeley W.I.

We look forward to hearing about Sarah’s exhibition project for the Castle in 2022.

Talk by Peter Yardley:
“A personal view of the ‘newer’ records in Berkeley Castle”

Our speaker after the AGM on 7 October was Peter Yardley, a member of the Friends since its inception in 2007, who for many years has been assisting the Castle Archivists to sort the enormous quantity of  Berkeley records from the last two centuries.  We were intrigued to hear about just some of the fascinating stories he has unearthed.  The depth of research, and Peter’s undoubted enthusiasm for the work, were greatly appreciated.

Miniature of Elizabeth I by Hilliard before it went off to the National Portrait Gallery.

The Saxon ring was photographed for an Alice Roberts programme on the BBC.

During the event there was a very sociable break in proceedings for drinks and a small buffet, kindly supplied by some of the FoBC Committee members.

FoBC AGM - Thursday 7 October 2021

President Charles Berkeley opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

The Financial Report and the Chairman’s Report will be despatched to Friends shortly, for the benefit of those unable to attend.

The Chairman’s comprehensive report referred to the committee’s plans for the future and reported on a number of projects that have been completed, including one of the many items in the Castle to have benefitted from funding by FoBC; cleaning the painting ‘A Winter Scene in The Netherlands’ from the Housekeeper’s Room. 

“A Winter Scene in The Netherlands”
newly returned from cleaning.

Publication of the Berkeley Buttress.

The Autumn edition is currently being distributed to Friends via email and by post, with a copy of the events order form (also available via download on the FoBC home page).

The AGM will be held on Thursday 7 October, followed by “A Personal Look at the Berkeley Estate Records”, an intriguing talk by Peter Yardley.

On Sunday 28 November Sarah Wordsworth will give a talk on her fascinating Summer Exhibition at the Castle on “The Women of Berkeley Castle”. Afternoon Tea supplied by Berkeley W.I.

Friends’ Annual Summer Party - Sunday 8 August 2021

IMG_3579 (2).JPG

Friends enjoyed our first reunion since the end of 2019, having spent so long spent under the constraints of social distancing.

Although it was a sunny evening, a strong and gusty wind meant that the event was held in the Great Hall, where canapés and copious glasses of Pimms were enjoyed by some seventy members.